
Juan Mathe is a renowned photographer from Mexico City, Mexico. He has been taking photographs since he was a young boy, and his passion for photography has only grown over the years.

Juan's work is known for its vibrant colors and unique perspectives. He often captures the beauty of everyday life in his photographs, from street scenes to landscapes. His work has been featured in numerous publications, including National Geographic and The New York Times.

Juan's career began when he was just 16 years old, when he started working as an assistant to a professional photographer in Mexico City. After gaining experience and honing his skills, Juan opened his own studio in the city and began taking on freelance assignments.

In addition to his commercial work, Juan also enjoys taking photographs of nature and wildlife. He has traveled extensively throughout Mexico and Central America to capture stunning images of the region's diverse flora and fauna. His photos have been exhibited in galleries around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Juan is passionate about sharing his love of photography with others, and regularly teaches classes on photography at local schools and universities. He also volunteers with various organizations that promote photography as an art form. Through his work, Juan hopes to inspire others to explore their creative potential through photography.

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A central authority for the fashion and luxury industry. Since 1998.