Model of the Week: Alexa Schap

Each week, we take the time to highlight one of our favorite emerging models. Previously, we profiled Lotte Kleihauer and this week we're turning our attention to Alexa Schap. We caught up with the budding beauty to talk about her career so far, her passion for modeling and her plans for the future.

Nationality: Argentinian
Instagram: alexaaranaschap

Have you always wanted to be a model? If not, what did you want to be growing up?
No, but it was the perfect job for me, it gave me a lot of freedom. As a child, I thought of studying languages.

How were you scouted?
A person from the Argentina agency found me on Facebook in 2011.

Your first modeling job?
I went to Cancun, Mexico, for a brand of bracelets.

What is your favorite or most exciting aspect about being a model?
For me, always traveling and working with different people is beautiful. Also getting to know new places all the time.

Is there anyone that you admire as a role model and why?
I am not a person who admires others.

What's been your biggest OMG moment to date?
When I found myself in the middle of a demonstration in Paris.

What is your dream shoot/campaign?
I wish I was part of a movie.

Biggest lesson that modelling has taught you?
It showed me that loneliness only exists in the head.

What's the best life advice you've ever received?
to trust myself and do what I feel.

How do you stay in shape?
I train, I ride a bicycle, I don't eat packaged food, meat or its derivatives.

If you had to be head to tow in one designer brand for the rest of your life, which would it be?
I prefer to be naked all day, but Balenciaga could be that brand.

How would you describe your style?
I am a vintage person.

Denim or leather?

Heels or flats?

Vintage or contemporary fashion?
Vintage forever

When you're not busy modeling, what are some of your favorite things to do?
Cooking a lot, eating in the sun and cycling.

What are you working on now and what do you dream of happening in the future?
Being a great chef of vegan and raw food.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years' time?
I am in my now and here, 10 years are an uncertain future.

Check out Alexa's profile here and check back next week to find out who our next 'Model of the Week' is.

Thank you Alexa for this taking the time to talk with us!
Interview by: Clinton Gonsalvez
Special Thanks to Elena Ghesini @ Women Direct Management (Milan).

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