founded by
Marol & Annalisa Paresi
belongs to
Marol & Annalisa Paresi
Maliparmi was founded in 1977 by Marol Paresi together with his daughter Annalisa. First they started making handbags with a good success. Later they continues with footwear and clothing, which complete the line and consolidate the brand image. Mal�parmi, a brand that blends craftsmanship and creative force, is able to renew each season while maintaining its uniqueness and its strong roots.
In 2002, the Italian-Danish chromatic artist, Marine Baris, collaborated on the collection.
A clothing brand with an ethnic feel: long African-style dresses, bags, studded belts decorated with medallions in a South-American style, sandals, shirts. The team of designers at the Paduan fashion house aim to reinterpret the atmosphere of streets and cities around the world to produce garments that are not simply folkloristic or exotic in appearance but which also revitalize historic craft techniques in the light of new technology.